VCSE Sector Forum
Do you want to hear about how the new leadership at Bristol City Council will be working in partnership with the VCSE Sector? Come to our VCSE Sector Forum event to ask your questions and share your views with the new leader of Bristol City Council, Cllr Tony Dyer.
Do you want to hear about how the new leadership at Bristol City Council will be working in partnership with the VCSE Sector?
Our upcoming Forum offers an opportunity to hear about this, as well as how the sector is working together, and information on some of the larger collaborations happening locally. We will also be inviting attendees to share the challenges and opportunities that organisations have been encountering during 2024.
There will also be the opportunity to welcome the new leader of Bristol City Council, Cllr Tony Dyer, as well as the opportunity to discuss how the local VCSE Sector and BCC can work together to support communities in our area.
Event Location: The Station, Silver Street, Bristol, BS1 2AG