Creating a Business Model Canvas (in-person)

This workshop will equip you the knowledge and skills to develop a Business Model Canvas, and apply it to your own organisation.

Level: Intermediate
Date: Wednesday 17 April, 2024 - 14:00 to 16:30

What is this session about?

This workshop will equip you the knowledge and skills to develop a Business Model Canvas, and apply it to your own organisation. 

This program is part of Social Economy West - a West of England Combined Authority initiative, delivered in partnership with Business West and expert partners to support the social economy across the region. The programme is funded by the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority via the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Who is the session for?

Any staff member with oversight of the business plan and business model. 

Relevant to non-profit organisations with a trading arm (e.g. social enterprise, CIC, CLG), who wish to create or explore a new business model, or review / refresh a current model.

Why is this relevant or important now?

A business model will help you to clarify your ideas, shape your activities, identify necessary resources, and raise any potential challenges you may face in achieving your vision.


This workshop has been funded by Social Economy West, and is free to attend. For more information, visit

What else do they need to know?

This course will be run in person, at Voscur, Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol, BS1 4GB.  Tea, coffee, refreshments will be provided.


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