DBS Disclosure Workshop

Sorry Registration for this event ended on November 22nd, 2023 9:00 PM
 Registration is closed for this event
This workshop is an opportunity to meet with your new DBS Regional Outreach Advisor, and to ask questions you have about the DBS check process. The workshop will also involve myth busting of common misconceptions about DBS checks, as well as the chance to practice applying DBS eligibility criteria against some real life scenarios.

What is this course about?

• the benefits of DBS and your organisation working together
• the different levels of DBS checks available
• eligibility, and when an employee or volunteer is eligible for a check
• what ‘regulated activity’ is - with adults and children
• what the DBS Update Service is, and its benefits

• the safe recruitment practices that can be in place, with DBS checks forming a part of these

Who is the course for?

This workshop is for anyone who is involved in recruitment, management and safeguarding processes within their organisation. This is likely to include people such as trustees, line managers, volunteer coordinators and safeguarding leads. As well as anyone else with responsibility for engaging with DBS processes.

Why is this relevant or important now?

DBS checks can form part of other safer recruitment practices, and form a key part of keeping children and adults at risk/adults with vulnerabilities safe from harm.

Many organisations, within certain sectors, have an obligation to meet specific legal or regulatory requirements, as determined by their revelant regulator (UK regulated professions and their regulators - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk))

In addition charities are required to consider regulations set out by the Charity commission.

The DBS and Voscur are putting on this training session because we recognise that the legislation around eligibility for DBS checks can be complex, which is why we are providing this workshop.


This is course is free for all to attend.

What else do you need to know?

This course is set to run online using Zoom. To take part, you will need a laptop with a camera, microphone, and Wi-Fi. You will not require any additional software, and you don't need a Zoom account or to download the app to take part, but you may wish to do so.

You will be emailed an invitation with a link to join the online training the day before the course.

November 23rd, 2023 from  1:30 PM to  3:00 PM
Event Information
Training level Intermediate
Training theme Leading your organisation
Event image
Trainer Sarah Hickie, Mel
Course code
Zoom link
Open programme Yes